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Bourbon Coffee – The world’s first purebred coffee variety


Bourbon coffee is one of the Arabica varieties that make a strong impression on the public. Not only has a special taste, Bourbon is the earliest coffee variety discovered on the planet. In addition, it also belongs to the group of pure Arabica and today there are many superior varieties of coffee that are descendants of Bourbon. Let’s explore this ancient coffee variety with 43 Factory Coffee Roaster.


History of Bourbon coffee

Bourbon coffee along with Typica are the two first purebred C. Arabica coffee varieties. Around the 16th century, they were discovered in Yemen, Arabia and southwestern Ethiopia. This delicate, sweet coffee variety has cost the French to bring from the Port of Yemen into their country three times (that is 1708, 1715, 1718). The sweet-smelling eggplants were moved to the island of Bourbon, France, and settled there until the mid-19th century. Because of its nearly three-decade long settlement period, it is known as Bourbon to this day.

In 1859, pure Arabica trees left France to enter the African border. Especially when coming to Tanzania, Bourbon was mass bred. They ran from La Reunion through Zanzibar and then on to Bagamoyo. From Bagamoyo, Bourbon crossed to Augustine, Kenya and gradually spread throughout Africa.

cà phê bourbon

Besides, in 1860 Bourbon was brought to Brazil. Here the eggplants were bred into a number of varieties like Catuai, Mundo Novo, Caturra and easily spread to parts of India, Central and South America. After some time, in 1875 some varieties were also brought into Vietnam for cultivation.


Outstanding features of Bourbon coffee

Also a purebred coffee variety, Bourbon is considered to be more popular and productive than Typica. Bourbon trees are usually large, round and large fruits and are pink, yellow or orange in color. And it seems that only Bourbon cherries have such a distinctive yellow or orange color. This early cultivar is quite sensitive to the environment and pests but easier to grow than Typica. It can grow well at an altitude of 1,100m or more and gives a yield 20 – 30% higher than its cousin of the same race. Because of this special feature, Bourbon is loved by farmers and used to breed with many different varieties.

cà phê bourbon

Bourbon coffee varieties grow quite quickly and can bear fruit after 2 years of cultivation. However, to harvest the best seeds, it takes another 2 years. At this time, the tomato seeds will have a characteristic sweet and sour taste that makes everyone fall in love. Not only that, depending on the conditions of the growing area, bourbon will create different flavors, body and aftertaste.


Famous Bourbon coffee varieties in the world

After a long journey from the 16th century to the present, the purebred eggplant has also undergone many rounds of breeding and cross-breeding. In the process has created a number of particularly outstanding Bourbon generations such as:


Caturra Bourbon from Brazil

This offspring is a very short stemmed mutant discovered in 1937 in Brazil. Caturra can be considered as the shortest breed of the Bourbon family. Although the body is not tall, it is resistant to pests and diseases and has outstanding performance to cool the family face.

cà phê bourbon


Villa Sarchi from Costa Rica

This is also one of the best natural mutants of the Bourbon coffee line system. Villa Sarchi or La Luisa was found in the Alajuela region, Costa Rica around 1950 – 1960. This variety is not widely grown in the world but it has been introduced to Honduras by the largest coffee bean in Central America since 1974.


Paca from El Salvador

The breed was discovered in 1949 on a farm in the Santa region of El Salvador. Pacas is also a coffee variety with a modest height like its brother Caturra Bourbon. Because of its distinctive taste and appearance, the country’s Coffee Research Institute (ISIC) created a pedigree for Pacas in 1960.


Tek Isic from El Salvador

Tekisic is a breed bred from Bourbon. This coffee variety was bred quite complicatedly by ISIC from 1949 – 1977. Therefore, Tekisic has superior characteristics and is of important economic value to El Salvador.


SL 28 and SL34

These two types of coffee stand out with excellent resistance to pests and diseases. In addition, SL 28 and SL34 have high yield and premium taste that sets them apart from other varieties globally.


Yellow Bourbon

This is a hybrid between Marellow de Botucatu and Caturra. They are known for their extreme cold tolerance. Yellow Bourbon is preferred to be grown in mountainous areas from 1,200m and above and has a super cold climate, so the flavor is extremely complex and rich.

cà phê bourbon


Mundo Novo

This coffee variety was crossed from Red Bourbon and Java Typica around 1943. Mundo Novo has a charming taste and high yield. However, Mundo Novo is very susceptible to rust diseases, although they are quite durable.

From its discovery to this day, from purebred to small genera or bred Bourbon are loved by farmers and users. Because not only has high productivity, but the rich and noble Bourbon flavor creates a very luxurious Bourbon style. If you want to enjoy this “lemongrass” flavor, come to 43 Factory Coffee Roaster to feel it!


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