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The role of birds and bees in coffee plants


What is the role of birds and bees in coffee plants? How do birds and bees help coffee trees? Nature’s process is a miracle, everything is often connected. Plants are the source of life for some animals and vice versa, animals are also useful for plant growth.


The role of birds and bees in coffee plants


Birds, bees and coffee trees seem to be unrelated objects, but in fact, they support each other. Coffee trees create a habitat for birds, bees and conversely, birds and bees are also very helpful for the growth of coffee trees.


Birds and bees help pollinate coffee plants


Birds and bees fly from flower to flower and carry pollen, which increases the rate of pollination of coffee plants. Many places also keep bees to maintain a high pollination rate for coffee trees. Each type of bee and bird will have different feeding habits, the more diverse in type and quantity, the more flights will increase, leading to increased crop yields.

This has been verified through studies of experts for a long time. Birds and bees have become a natural way of pollinating plants. The living, growing and yielding conditions of coffee plants are often harsher than other plants. That is why this method of natural proliferation is always interested and replicated.

The role of birds and bees in coffee plants


Birds and bees reduce coffee pests


No plant species can confidently grow healthy without encountering pest problems. Especially coffee trees, which often suffer from diseases affecting yield. But birds and bees are the countermeasures of those dangers when they will eat worms and fungi, limiting the ability of these harmful organisms to attack coffee trees.

As a result, coffee trees can safely grow and produce round, standard coffee beans with fresh and diverse flavors.

In order to create ripe coffee beans, ensuring the requirements is a process of efforts by the farmers from choosing the right height, soil type, water amount according to specific standards for each type. Each crop needs a long time to wait, so coffee farmers are experiencing difficult living and working conditions, in many places not even reaching the average level. Coffee trees need to be protected to improve living standards for people who are living day and night on coffee farms. And luckily when there are birds, bees do just that.


Research shows the role of birds and bees in coffee plants


This problem has been proven through specific studies. 43 Factory can give you an example through a study led by the international agricultural research agency CATIE.

This study was tested on 30 coffee farms. For the test, the researchers used large nets and small lace bags to control the presence of birds or bees across 30 coffee farms, creating four scenarios: mostly bird-only; mostly just bees; no birds or bees; and a natural environment including birds and bees. The results are given that the more birds and bees, the higher the yield and quality of the coffee plant. Experts share:

“The combined positive effects of birds and bees on fruit set, fruit weight and fruit uniformity – key factors in quality and price – outweigh their individual effects.” “Without birds and bees, the average yield drops by almost 25%, worth about $1,066 per hectare.”

The role of birds and bees in coffee plants

In addition, the study highlights the need to support agroforestry systems in coffee farming – as opposed to deforested monoculture systems – to support biodiversity, plant health, and biodiversity. production and potential income of the producer.

Thus, birds and bees play an important role in fruiting as well as increasing the quality of coffee plants. The relationship between plants and animals in the natural environment has been around for a long time, they inhibit each other and also help each other survive. Humans can make the most of the natural benefits to achieve good results in farming.

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