What is Body Coffee? Things you don’t know about body coffee
What is Body Coffee? Things you didn’t know about body coffee. Body coffee is the term for those who work in the coffee industry or who love small but powerful beans to know, and make the effort to find out. Although it is not known to many, it plays an important role in creating and shaping the great taste of coffee people use.
What is Body Coffee?
Body coffee is the feel of the coffee on the tip of the tongue, as well as the physical characteristics (texture and flavor) of the coffee and the relative strength and intensity of the sensation. You can feel the coffee body best when it is entirely in contact with the oral cavity and covers the entire tongue. The sensitive tip of the tongue will recognize the flavor components in coffee (acids, proteins, carbohydrates, scents, essential oils…).
To feel body coffee, it is necessary to have a combination of scent, feeling, and taste. When learning about the body of coffee, many people have forgotten the sensory element of the tip of the tongue.
Simply put, the term body coffee is the strength of the coffee.
How to recognize body coffee?
In forming generalities, we need to draw them into common standards. Similarly, the “measure” of body coffee is intensity.
In The Coffee Dictionary, Maxwell Colonna-Dashwood used opposite pairs of descriptions, such as “Heavy Body” or “Light Body”. Imagine the heavy body as pure condensed milk and the light body as skim milk.
On more advanced matters, the body of coffee involves rather complex concepts in the tasting industry, but most of our taste organs can perceive it as mostly non-particles. solubility and mouth feel due to the presence of oil. According to Scott Rao, the sensations in the mouth when tasting coffee are related to the “rubbing” caused by the oil suspended in the coffee.
The body is made up of insoluble substances, which is indirectly related to the extraction concentration scale (total dissolved solids in coffee or TDS for short – a measurement specific to dissolved particles). Generally, an increase in TDS correlates with an increase in body coffee.
Types of body coffee
Body coffee can be divided into the following categories:
Light body:
The thin, light-body coffee has minimal residue or flavor on the tongue. Coffee is grown at low altitudes and in nutrient-deficient soils and often exhibits Light Body characteristics. Extraction methods that use filter paper to remove oils and solids can result in a brighter and lighter coffee body.
Medium body:
An average body falls between coffee with a “light” and a “heavy” body. Since Light body and Heavy body coffees have properties that may be too extreme in one direction or another, a Medium body coffee will offer a balanced texture and are easier to enjoy every day.
Heavy Body or Full Body:
Delivering a solid palate that fills the palate, the rich coffee body is the result of the highest levels of fat, protein, and fiber in coffee. Heavy Body is often attributed to shade-grown coffees, especially in volcanic soils with slow growth and whole bean flavor accumulation. On the other hand, Heavy Body can also result from Espresso and Moka pot mixing techniques with pressure effect during the preparation process.
Factors affecting body coffee
Body coffee can be affected by one of the following factors:
Coffee varieties:
In fact, some coffee varieties have more specific body characteristics than others. Those are purely natural characteristics and are difficult to intervene to change in the cultivation process. Typically, Maracaturra coffee from El Socorro, Guatemala, has a full and round body – or Pacamara coffee has an average body and is highlighted by fruit flavors…
Processing process:
Many tests show that wet-processed coffee often has a delicate and fragile body. Natural dry processed coffee will bring a solid and full body. Thus to confirm that, the more the processing process retains the mucilage on the coffee cherries, the more likely it is to increase the body characteristics in the finished cup of coffee.
Roasting technique:
A good roaster controls the elements necessary to bring out the flavor potentials of each coffee, thereby altering the body characteristics of the coffee accordingly. Precisely, the Body can be adjusted by controlling the duration of the first crack when roasting. Extending the time to the tip crack prolongs the Maillard reaction in the grain, leading to more Melanoidin for a thicker body.
Preparation method:
Different manual extraction methods or mixing equipment can fine-tune the body to your liking. Eg:
– French press or AeroPress has the ability to affect the soaking time; adding a little pressure will determine how much body you want to extract.
– Pour-over technique uses different filter paper to extract coffee with the corresponding dark light by letting more or less oil pass through.
– Espresso preparation technique is based on pressure from the pump, creating a golden brown crema, oil, and melanoidin to help full-body coffee.
Above, 43 Factory Coffee Roaster has provided readers with information about body coffee. Follow us for more helpful coffee information!
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