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SL-28, SL-34 coffee – the crystallization from the mountains of Kenya


Kenya is the 16th largest coffee producer in the world in terms of output, SL-28 and SL-34 coffee have become a prominent specialty in this country. With nearly 90 years of development, SL28 and SL34 coffee have become one of the main factors that make Kenya coffee stand out in the world.

Khám phá giống các cà phê nổi tiếng của Kenya: SL-28 và SL-34

SL-28 and SL-34 coffee varieties


About SL-28 and SL-34 Coffee Varieties


SL stands for Scott Laboratories, the name of the Kenyan research center that first developed coffee varieties in the 1930s. Among the SL varieties recognized by the World Coffee Institute, SL-28 and SL-34 are the two most popular coffee varieties.

Although both varieties can be found in other countries in small densities (such as SL-28 which has spread to parts of Latin America), they are most common in Kenya. As such, they are now considered two of Kenya’s most popular specialty coffees.


SL-28 coffee variety


SL28 coffee variety is one of the most popular and appreciated Arabica varieties in Africa. From its first cultivation in Kenya in the 1930s, it was not long before SL28 was widely distributed throughout other parts of Africa (particularly the Arabica growing regions of Uganda) and now Latin America. Arabica variety – SL28 is suitable for medium altitudes and above and shows good drought resistance, but is susceptible to major coffee diseases (rust, Berry disease & nematodes…)

This delicious coffee variety has leaves of the same color and a rather large size. The taste is very delicious, especially the scent is very rich, blending hundreds of flavor molecules in a cup of Gicherori coffee, attracting the audience to be dazzled.

Giống cà phê SL28 có lá hạt cùng màu và kích cỡ hạt khá lớn

Coffee variety SL28 has green, quiet large beans


SL-34 coffee variety


SL-34 coffee variety is also another mutant of the French Plant Research Institute. Also from the famous and prestigious Bourbon variety, SL-34 was born with its brethren in the 1930s. This fine coffee variety excels in the coffee market with its top quality when grown at medium to high altitudes. high.

The advantage of this variety is that it is easy to grow, has good disease resistance, is resistant to rain and wind. SL34 has the typical flavor of the famous Bourbon parent variety, so its acidity is complex, the taste is very strong but leaves a sweet aftertaste on the palate.

SL34 khá dễ trồng, kháng bệnh tốt, chịu mưa, chịu gió.

It’s easy to plant SL-34 coffee variety


How do topographic features affect the flavor of SL-28 and SL-34 coffee varieties?


Specialty Kenya coffee is renowned for a rich and full spectrum of flavors, balance and variety of flavors built on very high acidity combined with sweet flavors reminiscent of fruit wines and varieties. spice. But each region in Kenya will give its own unique flavor that the climate of that town brings.

For example, the Chinga plant in Othaya town, about 5km southwest of town, the varieties here are mainly SL28 and SL34 because of their high productivity and quality. The factory has 783 members and each member owns a small piece of land with an average area of ​​0.3 acres. Coffee trees are grown at an altitude of 1,795m above sea level and on volcanic soil, so they contain many good minerals.

At this height, the tree will be exposed to a rainy climate all year round, plus high humidity and low temperatures, coffee trees will still grow well without shade. Natural processing of coffee beans (dried), with this method, helps coffee beans bring sweetness, less sourness, more flavor to coffee beans. The flavor that the coffee beans at the Chinga factory bring is the beauty of the orchard with Cloudy Lemonade, Lemsip and Blackcurrant flavors.

Đặc điểm địa hình, khí hậu ảnh hưởng nhiều đến hương vị từng loại cà thơm

Terrain and climate characteristics greatly affect the taste of each type of coffee


Will SL-28 and SC-34 coffee varieties continue to grow?


Despite its nationwide popularity, the SL coffee variety still presents many challenges for farmers.

Both varieties are very susceptible to coffee leaf rust, dry fruit branches and soil nematodes. Some farmers have lost everything, crops have been damaged due to these factors.

Joseph Wambugu is a major coffee producer in Kenya. “Drying of branches, drying of fruit is very dangerous for farmers who grow SL varieties,” he said.

Thankfully, Joseph’s Ruiru 11 plants were resilient enough to support him later on, but other farmers weren’t so lucky.

These varieties can be very productive, but most of the money from the harvest is used to renovate the farm, control coffee leaf rust and dry fruit branches. It is an expensive and laborious process.

Newer, more resistant varieties such as Batian and Ruiru 11 are resistant to most major diseases and some pests, which reduces costs and makes coffee easier to care for.

Despite these problems and challenges, SL varieties are still popular throughout Kenya today. Thus, if new cultivars continue to be derived from SL varieties (whether through crossbreeding or grafting) they will remain viable to some extent for decades to come.

Currently, the SL-28 and SL-34 coffee varieties are still sought after by Kenyan specialty coffee fans around the world. Hopefully SL-28 and SL-34 coffee varieties will overcome the immediate barriers and move further in the coffee world, bringing more profits to this fertile Kenyan land.

Have you tasted the specialty flavors SL-28 and SL-34 coffee? Come to 43 Factory Coffee Roaster to sip a cup of coffee with a strong flavor from Kenya!

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