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Coffee plants with low caffeine content


Is there a naturally low caffeine alternative to decaf? Research shows that more than 80% of people around the world use caffeine every day. However, for those who are hypersensitive to this substance, they will tend to use decaf coffee as a substitute.


What is low caffeine coffee?


Caffeine is a natural stimulant found in coffee beans. It creates energy for everyone’s activities and work.
From the coffee plant’s perspective, caffeine helps protect the natural growth process of the plant. It is a natural way to protect plants from pests and insects.

Low caffeine

Low caffeine coffee is a variety that has not undergone the caffeine extraction process but has substantially less caffeine than normal.

Many consumers, especially in the United States, are very fond of the benefits of caffeine, which can reach the threshold of 193mg of average daily intake. However, many people still start looking for alternatives to reduce caffeine tolerance in each cup of coffee.


Caffeine content in coffee varieties


Each type of coffee will contain different amounts of caffeine. This is assessed based on many factors such as soil, water and sunlight.

More than 98% of coffee varieties grown in the world come from two types of coffee, Arabica and Robusta. And the caffeine content in these two varieties is very different: arabica is 1.5 times lower than Robusta. According to estimates by the US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA), for a 170g cup of coffee, robusta beans will have 140-200mg of caffeine, while arabica contains only 75-130mg.


Natural low caffeine varieties of coffee plants


There are still a lot of low-affeinated varieties of coffee on the market.




Aramosa is a cross between Arbica and Coffea Racemosa, a rare plant that grows wild in South Africa and Zimbabwe. In the 1960s and 1970s, this variety was seen as a marketable plant in Mozambique. However, because of the modest production, it did not really become a breakthrough for the farmers here.

The peculiarities of Aramosa are a combination of the advantages of the two hybrid lines. It has a mild flavor and provides only half the caffeine content of Arabica. The distinctive notes of this variety will carry the aroma of flowers and the sweetness of chocolate.




Laurina is known to be a mutant form of Bourbon, Laurina is a coffee variety with low caffeine content. The origin of this plant originates from the island of Réunion, an island located east of Madagascar, in the Indian Ocean, and was found in the 16th century. Laurina is also known by another name, Bourbon Poitntu.

The caffeine content in this species is only about 25-50% compared to common arabica seeds. According to Christophe’s statement, Laurina is a unique recessive mutation. However, the flavor advantage in this variety is still great. Laurina is sweet, delicately reminiscent of fruits and flowers with very low bitterness.

Because of carrying so many delicious flavors, Laurina is consumed at a very high price.




This is one of the indigenous coffee lines in East Africa. Eugenioides is mentioned as the source variety of Arabica. Recently, this variety has become more widely known when appearing at the World Barista Championship and Brewers Cup in 2021.

Given the scarcity and difficulty of growing, Eugenioides seems to be very difficult to reach widely for consumers. However, the sweet and delicious, novelty of this variety is worthy of the great experience of “locaf” coffee.


The market for low-caffeine coffee


According to statistics, Laurina peaked in 1800 with a production of 4000 tons. The IAC tried to create the Laurina IAC-870 variety so that it could be maintained when the variety fell into a near-extinction state after 80 years. Producers hope to be able to build a market for original low-caffeine specialty coffees that score 86 points or more with many delicious flavors. And of course, they choose natural plants instead of having to put them through decaffeination processes. This became the reason to produce more clones of Laurina and Aramosa.

Along with Arabica, a number of suppliers have created more options for low-caffeine coffee, offering optimal consumption for those who don’t want to switch to decaf.

Many people love the original taste of coffee. It is flawed to have incomplete experiences. However, if you are really sensitive to caffeine, 43 Factory Coffee Roaster still recommends choosing decaf coffee to always ensure your health!

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