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Selection and classification of coffee varieties


Selection and classification of coffee varieties are essential to finding healthy, qualified coffee beans. Depending on different characteristics and yields, each cultivar will be used by producers for a variety of commercial purposes. In terms of micro, the selection and classification of suitable coffee varieties, purposefully help coffee makers more easily achieve success.  From a more macro perspective, this will establish a sustainable ecosystem and maintain a healthy supply chain for the coffee industry.

Selection and classification of coffee varieties

Selection and classification of suitable coffee varieties is very important


General status of coffee varieties in the world


The coffee industry is continuing to grow on an increasingly progressive scale. To date, there are more than 129 coffee varieties grown on many farms around the world. However, Arabica still accounts for the most (about 70% of total world production). Although Robusta is easy to grow and has good resistance to pests and diseases, it is much more limited in flavor than Arabica. Liberica is also a major variety, but the market share is only 1% because of its shortcomings.


Factors to classify coffee varieties


Characteristics to classify coffee varieties:

+ The height of the tree

+ Leaf tip color (usually green or bronze)

+ Is the tree conical or round?

+ Leaves are long or wide?

+ The shape and size of the beans (elongated and round; small, medium, or large)

+ Pigment of fresh fruit (red, yellow, orange, pink)

+ The corners of the branches

+ Wide short distance between branches

+ The number of eye nodes of the tree branch

Selection and classification of coffee varieties

Classification of coffee varieties

From there, the diagram depicts the genera of coffee classified into 4 groups: Arabica, Canephora, Liberica and other hybrids. In which, accounting for more than 70% of total coffee production is held by Arabica.


Criteria for selecting suitable coffee varieties


The selection of coffee varieties is very important for farmers. The first is the varieties that are well adapted to the soil at the planting site. In addition, the selection of coffee plants is also based on a number of other factors including genetics, environment, potential market and budget.

Farmers have started to have the opportunity to update their new knowledge. This greatly supports the coffee cultivation process of many farms. With a good knowledge base, they can grow many varieties of coffee with fewer pests and diseases, bringing higher yields.

Many farmers, they choose to use seedlings obtained from the locality. Because it will be easier to adapt to the natural environment of the planting area. In the case of using imported varieties, the adaptability is not high, which easily leads to low yield. Conditions for selecting seeds for the nursery must also be healthy and fully ripe fruits.

Producers must have a solid market for their farming plans. Understanding tastes, establishing supply and demand relationships are essential. It would not make sense for them to choose coffee varieties without researching the final supply. If this happens, coffee will be sold at a low price, not worth the effort of cultivation and processing.

The selection and classification of coffee varieties is an important job. The coffee beans used at 43 Factory Coffee Roaster are carefully selected.

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