Fermented Coffee – Should or Not?
Fermented coffee is a familiar concept for anyone who loves coffee. When fermenting, coffee will give a rather special flavor, depending on the preferences that some people will like, others will not. However, it is a fact that after fermentation, coffee will lose its inherent characteristics. This is why there are so many conflicting opinions.
What is fermented coffee?
Biologically, fermentation is a chemical reaction. The combination of yeast, bacteria, and other microorganisms makes it easier for one substance to break down into other substances. Usually, the substances that are broken down are sugars. When this happens, they tend to give off heat. In addition, different enzymes can catalyze this event.
The main purpose of fermentation is to remove the mucilage layer – which is rich in polysaccharides (pectin) and to reduce the water content of the coffee beans.
Ways to ferment coffee
Coffee fermentation can be done in one of two ways:
– Aerobic: This is what happens in the presence of oxygen. With this method, you simply place the recently harvested ripe coffee cherries in a bin or container and let the microorganisms work. Monitor time and temperature to help you control and analyze it.
– Anaerobic (anaerobic): In this case, the coffee cherries are placed in the tank (before or after grinding) and covered in water that allows different microorganisms to work.
Anaerobic fermentation in water is more homogeneous and easier to monitor, whereas aerobic fermentation is more heterogeneous and complex.
The taste of fermented coffee
The fermentation process will break down complex substances into simpler substances, so the taste of coffee will also be affected leading to changes. The fermentation process sounds simple, but it is fraught with risks. If fermentation is not good, uncontrolled, it will cause negative effects on the taste of coffee beans.
– When fermenting for too long, the coffee becomes more acidic (propionic and butyric) causing it to have a pungent odor (like an onion).
– Poor fermentation can cause coffee beans to become moldy and accumulate bad substances
Therefore, if we know how to control the fermentation process to promote the inherent characteristics of the coffee bean that we want it to excel (eg sweetness, caramel taste, …) Many producers choose to ferment coffee to further diversify their flavor as well as create desired aromas.
Fermented Coffee – Should or Not?
Should coffee be fermented? Is fermented coffee correct or not? Should this process be done? Actually, these questions cannot be answered mechanically, rigidly.
Should or not depends on the orientation of each establishment. 43 Factory Coffee Roaster takes the original flavor as a guideline, wishing to protect the unique flavor of each coffee bean. The workshop understands that coffee is like people, they also have their own things to distinguish between one type and another. The “fingerprint” of coffee is the taste.
Soil, water, sun, wind, … of each growing area are reflected in each layer of flavor deep inside the coffee beans. The workshop wants to protect and transmit it to users so that they can feel the stories behind. For 43 Factory, every note is precious and cherished. Therefore, the Workshop does not choose fermented coffee – which makes the beans “metamorphic” to a certain extent.
The Arabica beans at 43 Factory are roasted in an extremely light method to ensure that the coffee identity is retained. If you also love things from the roots, visit the shop and sip the story of the growing area in every cup of coffee.
Follow 43 Factory Coffee Roaster for more!
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