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Coffee makes the liver healthier?


Coffee makes the liver healthier? A small cup of coffee can bring significant benefits. So what about people with fatty liver disease and cirrhosis? How does coffee affect these subjects?


Coffee makes the liver healthier?


A cup of coffee a day can bring unexpected effects such as increasing mobility and concentration, … Recently, many studies have shown a positive connection between coffee and people’s liver health.

The study by the University of Coimbra (Portugal) surveyed 156 obese middle-aged people, including 98 people with diabetes. These people had their livers checked.

The results showed that people who consumed the most coffee had healthier livers than the rest, regardless of obesity – diabetes and unhealthy lifestyle caused it. The difference was determined to be due to specific bioactive compounds in coffee.

Coffee makes the liver healthier

In particular, caffeine – abundant in coffee and tea – reduces the risk of cirrhosis.

Polyphenol antioxidants may also reduce cirrhosis, although it is unclear and needs further identification. However, they are undoubtedly good for the body because they also improve the balance and metabolism of glucose in healthy and overweight people, helping to prevent or reduce the severity of type 2 diabetes.

Compounds other than caffeine in coffee effectively reduce fatty liver index. That not only helps prevent but also helps people who are suffering from fatty liver disease less severe.

Based on this study, we can see that coffee (caffeinated and decaf) tends to prevent and control fatty liver. A cup of coffee a day is simple because this is a habit of many people.


Tips for drinking coffee


Although coffee is proven good for the liver, this does not apply to everyone.

People who shouldn’t drink coffee

Coffee is not a “friendly” drink because its main ingredient is caffeine – a stimulant. Coffee has both advantages and disadvantages.

If you are one of the people that should not drink coffee, you must limit your caffeine intake. For coffee addicts who cannot give up this favorite drink, use decaf coffee (decaffeinated coffee) instead.

Cà phê có giúp gan khỏe mạnh hơn

How to drink coffee rightly?

Many people often drink coffee whenever they like; they drink it the way they want, which can lead to unexpected harm. For coffee to promote its full advantages, people should have a more scientific way of enjoying it.

Check out some expert tips for drinking coffee the right way: How to drink coffee for good health according to expert opinion.

Above, 43 Factory Coffee Roaster has sent readers the link between coffee and the liver, showing that coffee can improve the liver. Follow us for more helpful information.

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