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The PhilCAFE project paves the way for significant advancements in the Philippine coffee industry


According to the announcement of the international development non-profit organization (ACDI/VOCA), the PhilCAFE project has ended after five years of implementation. In September 2023, PhilCAFE convened more than 160 stakeholders from the coffee industry to discuss project successes and important issues moving forward. Explore with 43 Factory Coffee Roaster!


The PhilCAFE project focuses on developing Philippine coffee and farms


PhilCAFE – Philippines Coffee Advancement and Farm Enterprise is a Philippine coffee and farm development project. The project is funded by the US Department of Agriculture and implemented in cooperation with ACDI/VOCA and World Coffee Research (WCR). PhilCAFE’s primary purpose is to promote the National Coffee Roadmap. The project empowers traditional institutions such as the Philippine Coffee Council, public universities and colleges, private universities, and industry players to support the sustainable development of the coffee industry.

According to WCR, the PhilCAFE project, implemented from 2019 to 2023, supported 13,700 coffee farmers nationwide. The PhilCAFE project fostered innovation in the industry by improving coffee production and quality, empowering farmers, and supporting the development of skills for national researchers and producers. Additionally, new Arabica coffee varieties have been introduced and developed in the Philippines legally, with improved support for the quality of the research team’s nurseries.

Dự án PhilCAFE

The PhilCAFE project was implemented to support 13,700 coffee farmers across the Philippines


Prospects of the Philippine coffee industry after the PhilCAFE project


Under the sponsorship and coordination of international coffee organizations, the PhilCAFE project has achieved notable achievements during its five-year implementation. Among them, 18 On-Farm Technology Trials (OFTTs) and 2 germplasm trial sites in the Philippines have been successfully established. These trial sites continue to collaborate with government agencies, cooperatives, and farmers to manage data collection and analysis. High-yielding varieties have been researched and distributed in coffee-growing regions throughout the Philippines, providing opportunities for coffee growers to access new varieties to enhance quality and production. Specialized nurseries have also been established and managed by a farmer collaborator in Kinilis, Polomolok. Currently, seedlings obtained from OFTT locations have successfully sprouted and planted with 1,300 Catimor seedlings in the first harvest. A series of training sessions on nurseries, seed management, origin tracing, and more have been organized, enhancing skills for the coffee-growing community.

Dự án PhilCAFE

The PhilCAFE project distributes high-yielding varieties in growing areas throughout the Philippines

The above achievements only reflect a small part of the progress made during the PhilCAFE project’s implementation. The project’s impact suggests this is just the beginning of the future development of the Philippine coffee industry. Furthermore, although the project has concluded, the benefits it brought will be sustained through the local management of cooperative initiatives, production organizations, and government agencies to create a more sustainable landscape for coffee in the Philippines.

Dự án PhilCAFE

Over five years, the PhilCAFE Project has achieved proud achievements, contributing to the development of the Philippine coffee industry.

In summary, with the collaboration of organizations, farmers, and national agencies, the Philippine coffee industry has established a stronger foundation. In the future, we may witness remarkable strides in the quality and production of Philippine coffee in the international market. To stay updated, follow the news channel of 43 Factory Coffee Roaster regularly!

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