How to produce carbon negative coffee?
At every stage of the coffee supply chain, starting from growing, processing, transporting and roasting, there is a release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This increases the situation of the greenhouse effect, climate change, pollution leading to negative consequences affecting community life and the coffee industry. So how to produce carbon negative coffee? Let’s find out with 43 Factory Coffee Roaster!
What is carbon negative?
According to Terrapass, negative carbon means the activity emits less than zero carbon dioxide and the greenhouse gas equivalent of carbon dioxide (CO2e). However, in practice, it is not possible to emit a negative amount of carbon, so the term carbon negative refers to the net emissions generated. To be carbon negative means doing activities that absorb emissions or avoid carbon emissions to the point of removing more CO2 than they produce.
The level of CO2 emissions in coffee production is at an alarming level
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the main cause (about 75%) leading to global GHG emissions (greenhouse gas emissions from human activities that increase the greenhouse effect, climate change). Current levels of this gas have exceeded all records in history, largely due to human activity. According to estimates by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, global agriculture (including coffee production) accounts for 10% and 12% of the world’s total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
In coffee production, the majority of GHG emissions come from fertilizer use and wastewater treatment at washing stations, said Danna Wasserman, a trader and Q-class fellow at Sucafina Specialty NA. Some farming methods that require deforestation, harvesting, milling, and sorting, use water, energy, and land, which also emit a significant amount of emissions. In addition, the process of packing, transporting (by ship, plane, …), and roasting needs to consume a large amount of fuel and gas, which also leads to carbon emissions.
In 2019, National Geographic estimated that the world had only one-fifth of its total “carbon budget” left before global temperatures rose by 1.5°C. Human activity is dramatically increasing the amount of carbon dioxide, along with other greenhouse gases, released into the environment. When greenhouse gas emissions exceed permissible concentrations, it will gradually lose the “barrier” layer of heat in the atmosphere and cause global temperatures to rise. This will cause a range of devastating environmental impacts, threaten biodiversity and lead to more frequent extreme weather around the world. Cory Bush, Executive Director at Sucafina Specialty EMEA, said that coffee-producing countries are increasingly facing extreme weather conditions that appear to be directly related to climate change. Coffee farmers will suffer heavy consequences such as reduced production, quality and area of cultivated land when carbon emissions increase as rapidly as now.
Where is the production of carbon negative coffee?
Growing carbon negative coffee is a long process and it requires a detailed, methodical plan and application of sustainable measures. Furthermore, in the words of Ross Khaiitbaev, CEO of Sucafina Specialty Australia , to be carbon negative, farmers need support to have access to sustainable agricultural practices. The Sucafina team worked with farmers in Kenya and found that some farmers were over-fertilizing their crops or using a mix of inputs that didn’t match their needs, he said. of land. He then collaborated, guiding farmers so that plantations could cut emissions while reducing input costs and increasing profits for them.
Besides, chemical fertilizers can benefit farmers, but in the long run, some types can change the pH of the soil. When the pH reaches 5.5 (acidic), crop yields can plummet. The phenomenon of chemicals seeping into groundwater can disrupt ecosystems. Therefore, experts should focus on developing new methods to limit the use of chemicals harmful to the environment. For example, Rwacof has developed a number of initiatives that can improve soil quality and replace chemical fertilizers. They built a black soldier fly production facility to produce organic fertilizer and recycle organic waste and coffee grounds. These black soldier flies are common around the world and they play an important role in breaking down organic matter to add nutrients to the soil. In addition, the Rwandan team also makes use of maggots as animal feed and compost to enhance nutrients and soil porosity. Natural fertilizer is cheaper and it has some carbon footprint benefits. For example, it is produced locally rather than shipped from a remote location, removing waste from landfills to protect arable land and to help sequester more carbon dioxide into the soil while helping farmers. save costs while ensuring CO2 emission to the environment.
In addition, in order to minimize monoculture coffee farmers, coffee suppliers, roasters, and consumers, they should prioritize and support sourcing coffee from sustainable farms. For example, roaster XLIII Coffee – a brand developed from the forerunner 43 Factory Coffee Roaster is always looking for and selecting sustainable coffee producers, minimizing emissions and negative impacts as much as possible. to the environment and the community.
So if you want to support and experience specialty coffee around the world for a greener planet, you can choose XLIII Coffee – A specialty coffee supplier developed from the forerunner 43 Factory Coffee Roaster!
Source: perfectdailygrind.
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