Does drinking coffee lose weight? How to drink coffee to lose weight safely?
Does drinking coffee lose weight? How to drink slimming coffee safely. Not only women but many people are also very interested in weight loss. Many people believe that coffee can help with weight loss. Is this right? From a scientific perspective, how is it explained? Let’s find out with 43 Factory Coffee Roaster.
Does drinking coffee lose weight?
Drinking coffee has the effect of supporting fat loss. This has been shown in several nutrition books as well as through studies on the results of caffeine in coffee.
Specifically, in his book The Coffee Lover’s Diet, author Bob Arnot said that drinking coffee daily is believed to boost metabolism, burn more fat, block the absorption of calories and suppress appetite.
Thus, the caffeine in coffee has a weight loss effect. But not just drinking coffee can reduce fat; the effectiveness of this process also depends on many factors, of which coffee is just a beverage with a supporting function.
Why does drinking coffee lose weight?
Drinking coffee can help people lose weight thanks to the following characteristics:
Coffee helps reduce hunger
Hormones are one of the factors that cause hunger in humans. Scientists have proven that caffeine has the effect of reducing levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin. At the same time, caffeine also stimulates the body to release the hormone PYY. When the amount of PYY hormone in the body increases, the faster you are complete and the longer you are hungry.
Some experimental studies show that this effect of caffeine is practical if taken immediately before a meal. If you drink coffee too long before a meal (about 3-4 hours), the caffeine will no longer affect the hormones.
Coffee stimulates metabolism
Metabolism is the body’s process of breaking down nutrients and burning calories. Caffeine is known to be a metabolic stimulant by increasing the basal metabolic rate (BMR). BMR is also the number of calories burned when the body is inactive.
Through an experimental study involving 600 people, scientists have found that high caffeine intake has a weight loss effect. The participant’s weight, body mass index (BMI), and fat mass decreased by 17-28% when they doubled their caffeine intake.
Coffee stimulates the release of fat tissue
There is a substance in the blood called epinephrine or adrenaline. This substance travels through the blood to adipose tissue, signaling the fatty tissue to break down fat and release it into the bloodstream.
Caffeine helps with weight loss because it works to increase epinephrine levels in the blood, which in turn stimulates the release of fat tissue. However, the release of fat tissue will not affect fat loss if you do not ensure the principle of weight loss. That is, the number of calories taken in must be less than the number of calories the body burns.
Cons of drinking coffee to losing weight
This weight loss method is not completely good for the body but can bring serious consequences depending on the case.
The amount of caffeine in the body is too high
Consuming a large amount of caffeine in the body will affect health. Firstly, too much caffeine can cause high blood pressure. One study was done on 1100 people with high blood pressure. The results showed that people who drank about three cups of coffee or more had higher blood pressure readings than people who did not drink coffee.
Second, caffeine is also a diuretic, and it causes the body to excrete more fluid through urine. When you drink coffee, you will go to the bathroom more often. When you go to the toilet a lot, there is a chance that the body loses many essential electrolytes, typically potassium. Hypokalemia may then occur. Not only that, vascular health, as well as muscle control, will also be affected.
Finally, studies have shown that too much caffeine is linked to heart attacks, headaches, and insomnia; it increases the risk of osteoporosis and can even lead to depression.
The possibility of gaining weight back is high
The body always has a mechanism to adapt to the number of calories regularly consumed. When applying weight loss methods, the number of calories in the body will be significantly reduced. At this time, the body will adapt by slowing the metabolism and reducing the number of calories burned.
When calorie intake decreases, it can cause changes in hormones in the body, including the hormone leptin. Leptin is responsible for promoting satiety and sending signals to the brain to stop eating. However, scientists have found that the amount of leptin in the body will decrease if calorie intake is reduced. This leads to more cravings.
And according to some studies, up to 80% of people gain weight back after losing weight by reducing calorie intake, including drinking coffee to lose weight.
Not safe for health in the long run
Drinking a lot of coffee and excessive caffeine can lead to depression and cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, this weight loss method should not be used for long because it will cause many health effects. To date, there has not been a study that proves that drinking a lot of coffee for a long time can maintain weight without any side effects.
According to those who have done this method, coffee should only be used to lose weight for two to seven weeks. Instead, to lose weight effectively and sustainably, you should have a scientific diet and exercise.
How to drink coffee to lose weight?
Coffee can assist people in the weight loss process but cannot be drunk. When drinking coffee, you should note the following:
People who shouldn’t drink coffee
Caffeine in coffee has many effects on human health but, at the same time, can bring harmful effects to specific groups of people.
If you belong to one of the categories, People should not drink coffee. Who shouldn’t drink coffee? Do not use this method to lose fat.
Choose the correct type of coffee
The principle of fat loss is that the calories taken must be lower than the calories burned. To lose weight, you must control the number of calories in food. Black coffee is an ideal drink for people who lose weight. A 177ml cup of black coffee contains only about five calories.
When losing weight with coffee, you can only drink black coffee. You must not add sugar or milk to your coffee. Because sugar and milk are very high in calories, they won’t help you lose weight.
Please do not use it continuously for a long time
Caffeine being continuously ingested for a long time will cause adverse effects. Therefore, you should only use it to support your progress for 2-7 weeks.
43 Factory Coffee Roaster has just sent readers the answer to the question, “Does drinking coffee lose weight? How to drink coffee to lose weight safely”. Let’s combine a scientific diet and exercise to control calories for lasting effects.
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