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Does drinking black coffee increase blood sugar in diabetic patients?


Diabetic individuals need to pay attention to controlling their blood sugar levels. While black coffee contains relatively little sugar, does that mean it’s safe for people with diabetes? Let’s join 43 Factory Coffee Roaster in finding the answer to the question Does drinking black coffee increase blood sugar in diabetic patients? in this article!


Does drinking black coffee increase blood sugar in diabetic patients?


Coffee contains various compounds that have different effects on the human body. How does coffee affect individuals with diabetes?

Regular coffee contains caffeine and polyphenols. These substances have antioxidant properties that help prevent many diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer, etc. People with diabetes are at higher risk of heart disease than normal individuals, so consuming foods and beverages containing antioxidants may help prevent heart disease.

Does drinking black coffee increase blood sugar in diabetic patients?

The compounds in black coffee cause different effects on diabetic patients

Additionally, coffee also contains minerals such as magnesium and chromium. Individuals with sufficient magnesium levels have a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Some may assume that coffee is beneficial for diabetes upon reading this far. However, that’s not necessarily the case. Some studies have shown that caffeine in black coffee may reduce insulin sensitivity, which is not favorable for diabetic individuals.

The benefits of magnesium, chromium, and polyphenols may play a role in improving insulin, potentially offsetting the effects of caffeine.

=> Due to the potential offsetting effects mentioned above, it cannot be conclusively stated. To ensure safety, diabetic individuals should monitor their blood sugar levels when drinking coffee. Starting with a small amount, if there are no adverse effects, they can gradually increase the dosage to satisfy their cravings.


What kind of coffee should diabetic individuals drink?


Caffeine in coffee is the reason why diabetic patients may experience decreased insulin sensitivity, while other compounds such as magnesium, chromium, and polyphenols may contribute to improving insulin sensitivity. Therefore, decaffeinated coffee will bring many benefits to diabetic individuals.

Note: Diabetic individuals should not consume more than 250 mg of caffeine per day. When drinking coffee, they should avoid adding sweeteners such as sugar, cream, etc.


Coffee may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes in healthy individuals


For healthy individuals, drinking black coffee may help reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. A 2011 study by the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) identified a correlation between coffee consumption and the amount of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) in the blood. Individuals with low SHBG levels in the blood are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. Drinking caffeinated coffee affects the level of SHBG in the blood.

Does drinking black coffee increase blood sugar in diabetic patients?

In healthy individuals, coffee can actually reduce the risk of developing diabetes.

Researchers followed 360 newly diagnosed diabetic individuals and 360 non-diabetic individuals to analyze their coffee consumption habits and levels of SHBG. Those who drank at least 4 cups of coffee per day had higher levels of SHBG and were 56% less likely to develop diabetes.

43 Factory Coffee Roaster has helped readers answer the question “Does drinking black coffee increase blood sugar in diabetic patients?” Hopefully, this information will allow you to indulge in your love for this rich beverage while maintaining your health. Stay tuned for more useful information.

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