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How to find a sustainable coffee supply?



Finding a sustainable coffee supply is an essential priority for the coffee industry. Over the past few years, global coffee consumption has been increasing. It is estimated that the global shortfall is more than 3.1 million 60kg bags of coffee. This number was confirmed in the February 2022 report of the International Coffee Organization. This means that worldwide coffee demand is outstripping global production.

Therefore, the coffee industry needs to find a long-term sustainable coffee supply to meet the increase in consumer demand for coffee. That way, farmers can support coffee production in a more environmentally and socially friendly manner. This also means that producing farmers are empowered to improve their livelihoods and promote improved coffee farming, in line with future climate change.


What is a sustainable coffee supply?


sustainable coffee supply

Sourcing green coffee is one of the activities that coffee buyers and roasters place great emphasis on. To find a sustainable coffee supply, people need to consider social, economic and environmental factors.

For smallholders to become an essential part of the coffee industry, their output is estimated to be 70 to 80% of the global coffee supply. Despite their tremendous productivity, many of them do not have a good income. This adversely affects their lives.

Currently the price of C is at a high level, the coffee market also has a history of volatility. In 2018, the price of coffee in the market fluctuated around 1 USD/lb. But farmers’ incomes remain low.

Because there is not enough budget to invest in the farm, many farmers have given up growing coffee. Besides, climate change also causes many consequences. Finding sustainable coffee supply becomes even more imperative.

sustainable coffee supply

Everyone needs to work closely together to build a strong and mutually beneficial partnership. A sustainable coffee supply will help roasters stabilize quality and quantity. In addition, it also ensures the purchase of coffee by farmers.


The importance of a sustainable coffee supply


A sustainable coffee supply ensures farmers receive more for the value of their coffee. Traceability and transparency for roasters and traders are prerequisites for compliance. Only then can more and more consumers demand more sustainable coffee. Besides, improving coffee quality is also an essential part of increasing consumer demand.

sustainable coffee supply


How do sustainable sourcing models work?


For sustainable coffee sourcing models to work in the long term, all key stakeholders in the industry must benefit.

Accessing international markets can be challenging, especially for smallholder farmers. However, sustainable sourcing models can help connect farmers to more markets.

To achieve sustainability in coffee production, social factors need to be taken into account. This includes improving gender equality and supporting indigenous coffee growing communities.


The benefits of long-term sourcing


When properly implemented, long-term sustainable sourcing models can support stakeholders. From there, every system in the entire supply chain can be improved and yielded high productivity. It also provides producers, traders, roasters and consumers with more realistic expectations when engaging in buying and selling activities.

Sustainable sourcing helps build long-term working relationships. Everything is developed based on win-win cooperation. What is more is the improvement of environmental efforts at the source and better support for smallholders in economic life.

sustainable coffee supply

There are many clear advantages to long-term sustainable sourcing models. Besides, there are still many challenges that producers face in the coffee industry. However, with the effects of long-term sustainable coffee sourcing, any knots will be removed gradually. Thus, step by step bring the coffee industry out of the productivity crisis in the near future.

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