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4th wave of coffee – Quality and sustainability

Everything in life is cyclical and goes in phases. In the coffee industry, these periods are known as “waves”. Reaching the 4th wave of coffee, this industry has experienced many ups and downs. But that’s certainly not the end!


The waves that changed the coffee industry

The term, coined by coffee historian Timothy Castle, describes the development of coffee culture in North America in the early 1900s. It is quite similar to the “wave” of the industrial revolution. People who love history call the key transformational moments in the history of coffee culture “the wave”.

The coffee wave focuses on how consumers interact with or relate to coffee as a consumer good. Each wave has defining characteristics and elements that make them unique and special.

Specialty Coffee in Vietnam

The first wave of coffee brought the orientation of coffee as a commodity, the second wave represented the shift from commodity to coffee culture. Followed by the third wave of coffee that represents a shift from culture to consumer perception of high-quality Specialty coffee.

At this stage, one begins to appreciate the intricacies of micro-roasting, manual production and transparent sourcing. Coffee flavor is carefully taken care of.

As such, the coffee wave is used as a marker for distinct changes in consumers’ habits and attitudes towards coffee. It also represents the development of the coffee industry itself. Each wave comes with its own priorities and philosophies. They always overlap and affect the next wave.

4th wave of coffee

The 4th wave of coffee is starting to take shape and surge strongly. It celebrates science, promoting insights into coffee properties. There, every link in the supply chain fully protects the perfect taste experience of pure coffee.

Instead of simply adjusting and creating like the previous waves, the 4th wave coffee is assessed to make a radical impact from quality to sustainability. This is a wave to support living income for all small coffee farmers. The 4th Coffee Wave encourages sustainable organic farming practices that help restore the already devastated habitats of the coffee belt.

As coffee enters this wave, consumers develop a much deeper understanding of factors such as region, taste, and the science behind coffee production.

43 Factory Coffee Roaster’s mission is to be the bridge between the 4th wave of coffee and the consciousness of each customer. 43 Factory wants to share good values and create excitement in the Specialty coffee culture, aiming to introduce a wave of coffee culture with a truly civilized message.

Specialty Coffee in Vietnam

In this era, sustainability and social responsibility are gradually being put on the forefront by manufacturers. Consumers also become conscious of the quality and devotion that comes from the product. We believe that all of these things combined will push the 4th wave of the coffee industry to achieve the right balance.

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