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Standards of micro coffee processing station


The processing station does the washing and milling. This is one of the most important post-harvest steps in the coffee production process. Around the world, manufacturers use a number of different milling equipment for their processing. This stage depends on the size of the washing stations and commercial plants. How do micro coffee processing stations work? Let’s find out with 43 Factory Coffee Roaster!


Coffee processing stages


Usually, the coffee milling process is divided into two main types: wet milling and dry milling.

Wet milling involves the separation of the coffee grain from the pulp (including the outer skin and pulp), which is removed with a sterilizer. This form of processing is used when the coffee cherries have not been brought to the drying floor.

Meanwhile, the dry milling process involves removing the husk from the eggplant kernel, then being selected and sorted, packed, and finally traded. This process is done after drying the coffee beans.

micro coffee processing station

After the coffee is harvested, it will be brought to the washing plant by farmers for cleaning and preliminary processing.

For wet processing (Washed), fresh coffee cherries are peeled and then fermented in vats or tanks. Coffee beans, after being milled, are washed to remove the mucus layer created by the shell meat during the milling process, before being dried.

In addition, for semi-wet processing (Honey), the coffee is pushed straight onto the drying floor when the husking process is finished. According to SCA standards, coffee achieves a moisture content of exactly 8% to 12%. This is when the husk will be separated from the coffee bean.

Meanwhile, with natural processing (Natural), coffee does not need to be peeled before being dried. Instead, whole fresh tomatoes will be put on the drying floor to dry, achieving optimal moisture. Coffee producers often have to regularly control the drying process, because coffee during this time is very susceptible to mold or over fermentation.

Although the nature of each processing method is different, the coffee must always be peeled and filtered for the final green bean quality. The impurity filter helps to remove grit and physical impurities left in the harvesting process.

After the process of rubbing meat, husks, and kernels, the skins will be removed by a specialized beater. Finally, it is brought to the sieve to be classified by size and density.


How does the micro coffee processing station work?


Essentially, small factories are coffee processing facilities for a small number of production workers. They are mostly privately owned or a small group of farmers with similar processing and quality control methods.

For this scale, they will usually set up small cooperatives and buy land to build a base. In this way, it is easier for farmers to have greater control over the harvesting, processing and trading of their coffee.

The machinery used in microprocessing stations has also improved significantly in recent times. If in the past people used large and bulky machines, now farmers have more access to small, modern and more mobile milling machines.

This means that small-scale producers can process coffee within the farm, making it easier for them to implement more experimental processing, improving the quality of the coffee beans. However, these shipments are often small.

Micro-factories also bring a lot of benefits to farmers when they are more transparent with the traceability needs of customers. This is because their coffee can be processed more specifically than other large washing stations, keeping them in individual batches.


Opportunities and challenges with the micro coffee processing station


There is no denying that with micro coffee processing stations, smallholder farmers can gain more independence and freedom when they have control over the quality of their coffee. By understanding production schedules and times, smallholders can focus more on maintaining or improving the quality of their coffee the way they want.

However, there are also some challenges for them. The first is the budget requirement to meet the significant investment in equipment and production facilities. This correlates with the ability to effectively improve and control quality to balance the costs of setting up a factory in the long run.

Processing has great direct impacts on the ecological environment. This is the second challenge of microprocessor models. They must solve this problem, secure the infrastructure to handle waste responsibly. If the waste is not disposed of properly, it can soak into the soil and contaminate the area’s soil, affecting the quality.

There are still concerns that this model is not sustainable to develop on a larger scale. However, it depends to a large extent on the amount of capital that farmers or cooperatives are determined to invest.

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