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Single Origin coffee quality structure


Single Origin is not a strange concept to consumers worldwide in the food consumption industry, especially Specialty coffee. But people still argue about the structure of Single Origin coffee in terms of quality and relevance. How to ensure these elements of Single Origin coffee? Find out more through the article below.


Single Origin coffee demand shift


When the third wave develops more and more intensely, and information is made public from all stages of the supply and demand system, individuals and organizations dealing in coffee realize the importance of Origin and transparency.

Data of Single Origin coffee batches are provided fully, without limitation, including farm information, area, altitude, soil, climate, etc. It helps buyers and roasters determine how the coffee is produced and processed, giving them a better orientation in the purchasing and use selection process. Large batches of Single Origin coffee are of consistent quality and score between 80 and 86 points; micro-lots and nano-lots achieve equivalent scores from 86 – 89 and 90 points or more with outstanding quality and detailed specifications.

Soil structure and quality, climate, production and primary processing methods all significantly impact the quality of coffee.

That is why many coffee producers, trading units and suppliers are gradually shifting their product structure to countries or regions that produce Single Origin coffee.


How to ensure Single Origin coffee quality structure?


The quality structure of Single Origin coffee raw materials is always a condition that needs to be prioritized to ensure. For each element of the supply and demand system, the level and method of quality balance will be different, especially for manufacturers.

When producing any form of Single Origin coffee, it is essential to ensure that the batches remain separate. Even the most negligible contamination will affect the coffee’s taste, quality and purity. The smaller the batch, the easier it is to manifest.

Manufacturers must invest in extensive processes to ensure taste and quality, especially with micro and nano batches. Tracking coffee information and locations is key to this process. The scale of operation and the organizational structure of the farm and producer are also significant. Areas and separate systems should separate the stages of harvesting, processing and preserving. In addition, all identifying information, such as name or batch number, variety, preparation method, progress, etc., must always be associated with the finished coffee product.

Many coffee businesses choose to use computerized information. It helps coffee buyers to track issues: coffee information, sales contracts, and shipping progress, …

In addition, the quality structure of Single Origin coffee is still controversial depending on the producer and supplier. Single Origin has many variations, such as originating from a country or region of that country, from a single farm or farming area, or from a cooperative or individual farmer.

Specialty Coffee in Vietnam

Are they ensuring the quality structure of Single Origin coffee: is simple? Not really.

The more we learn about these coffees, the more we realize this Single Origin label is more complicated than it means. And it also takes a lot of work to ensure the purity of a Single Origin coffee, especially if it’s a nano batch or a farm batch.

But one thing is clear: the more information we have about the origins of our beans, the more tools we have to work towards high-quality, sustainable coffee.

Follow 43 Factory Coffee Roaster for more!

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