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Nueva Alianza Bourbon #4349 was born with the desire to reach the top


Nueva Alianza Bourbon #4349 is a specialty coffee lot harvested in the 12/2022 – 01/2023 season from the Nueva Alianza farm. Carefully nurtured by the enthusiasm of reaching the pinnacle of Peruvian coffee, the flavor profile of these beans promises to bring fresh, impressive experiences. Join 43 Factory Coffee Roaster to discover the essence that makes up this coffee bean and its unique flavor!


Nueva Alianza Bourbon #4349 is matured according to the grower’s wishes


Nueva Alianza Bourbon #4349 is grown by the Dwight family and associates at Nueva Alianza Farm. These Bourbon coffee sprouts are grown following a three-generation tradition that dates back to the nineties. With the new generation taking over the farm – Dwight Aguilar Masías, the dream of becoming the creator of the best coffee in Peru becomes even more burning. He nurtures his passion and improves himself every day by learning production techniques from his family and in all the lands he has visited. Aguilar Masías practices, gains experience right on the farm, participates in competitions and connects with like-minded people,… to find the best methods. According to accumulated efforts, batch Nueva Alianza Bourbon #4349 is increasingly perfected with superior characteristics.

Nueva Alianza Bourbon #4349


The uniqueness of farm raised Nueva Alianza Bourbon #4349


The farm grows Nueva Alianza Bourbon #4349 is 8 hectares wide, located in Cusco, SantaTeresa. This area is famous for its beautiful scenery with Cocalmayo hot water lake and high jungle, fertile soil. SantaTeresa District is one of 20 districts that make up the province of La Convencion. The land on the right bank of the Vilcanota River, located between the Saqsara, Salkantay, and Vilkanota rivers on Pacpapata Hill, gives the soil ideal moisture, alluvium, and abundant water for coffee to grow strongly.

Nueva Alianza Bourbon #4349

In addition, the altitude here is over 1,800 meters above sea level, and the slope of the mountain is up to 45%, so coffee is cultivated according to a terraced field structure. This helps Nueva Alianza Bourbon #4349 coffee easily absorb maximum nutrients in the ground, prolonging growth time. From there, the coffee beans become sweet with natural sugar content and acidity.

Nueva Alianza Bourbon #4349


The flavor of Nueva Alianza Bourbon #4349 is fresh, crisp and gentle


Inheriting the genetic characteristics of the Bourbon variety and the soil of the growing area, the flavor of Nueva Alianza Bourbon #4349 is like a bright banquet with natural sweetness. Coffee beans exude a pleasant scent like a newly bloomed jasmine branch. The scent is gentle but extremely attractive. When merging into the flow, the characteristic jasmine scent of coffee becomes deeper. The gentle scent spreads as if to paint the sharp, elegant beauty of the Cusco mountainside.

Nueva Alianza Bourbon #4349

In addition, due to the cultivation method focusing on coffee balance and the diverse ecosystem of native lemon, Avocado, and tangerine trees, the flavor clearly shows malic and citric acid characteristics. The coffee has a smooth texture with a light body, so you can immediately feel the sweet and slightly sour taste of the fruit as soon as you sip. The first taste can be the refreshing, crispy taste of the apple. What follows is a long, succulent citrus flavor. Therefore, for a moment you can feel like you are tasting grapefruit, orange, lemon, or tangerine segments. The clean, fresh, and full taste in each drop of extract makes everyone who experiences it feel relaxed and peaceful.

Nueva Alianza Bourbon #4349

Nueva Alianza Bourbon Coffee #4349 is an original of beauty and strives to reach the pinnacle of the Nueva Alianza farm. Each layer of fragrance blooms with a long lasting flavor like a bond between humans and the magic of creation. If you want to enjoy the fresh flavor and discover the wonderful things behind this specialty coffee, stop by XLIII Coffee – The brand developed from the predecessor 43 Factory Coffee Roaster.

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