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History of coffee cupping

Have you ever really questioned, since when did Coffee cupping appear in the coffee industry? Who initiated this process? And what is their purpose? Let’s answer these question via the article “History of coffee cupping”

Quá trình phát triển của cupping như thế nào? 

Coffee cupping process


The importance of coffee cupping


Coffee cupping in each situation is associated with different purposes. For roasters, coffee cupping is an effective way to ensure maintaining or finding a consistent roast profile for any coffee. For quality control professionals, cupping helps ensure their products taste great without any potential defects. For baristas, cupping is an effective method of expanding the palate, getting acquainted with a variety of coffees from different origins.


The process of forming coffee cupping


Begin with cup-test – The original form of coffee cupping


For more than 400 years, cup-test (when people didn’t call it “Cupping”) has been an unorthodox art, passed down by word of mouth for generations. It is a skill set adopted by the major roasters, importers and exporters. Besides, cup-testing is also considered a specialized skill, which takes years of training to acquire.

Until 1984, there was no printed text on the concept of coffee cupping other than a general description of a tasting process known as “cup test” (or “cup-testing”). This phrase was mentioned by William H. Ukers in his classic work – All About Coffee which was first published in 1922. It was only in 1984 that the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA) published it. First edition of The Coffee Cupper’s Handbook, written by Ted R. Lingle.

Tất cả mọi người trong chuỗi giá trị, từ các nhà rang xay, nhập khẩu ở các nước tiêu thụ và các nhà xuất khẩu ở các nước sản xuất, đều “nếm” cà phê

Coffee cupping


From cup-test to cupping 


The coffee cupping technique only really gained popularity until the Specialty coffee movement emerged, proving that consumers would only pay more for higher quality coffee. At this time, sensory evaluation of coffee is carried out by traders and roasters.

But the first achievement came in 1984 (or 1985), when Ted R. Lingle – founder and president of the American Specialty Coffee Association (SCAA) wrote the book Coffee Cupper’s Handbook to explain the science and chemistry behind the techniques used in coffee tasting. This is the first training document to systematize the method of tasting practice so that everyone can learn the skills needed for cupping.

This led to a second major revolution in sensory analysis of coffee: emphasizing the idea that coffee tasting is a technique that can be practiced and learned by anyone but must be systematic and rigorous. strict.

By the 1920s, the “cup-test” had become an integral part of the coffee trade. Thereby, a rich vocabulary of sensory descriptions has been put into commercial use such as body, acidy, sour, bitter, etc. Besides a number of descriptive attributes have been put into use and popularized. to this day: acidy, sour, muddy, grassy, ​​woody, smooth, etc. Some others are almost no longer found in modern tasting languages ​​such as harsh, neutral, rioy, winy, rank.

During this period, the “cup-test” was included in the official coffee grading requirements of the Coffee, Sugar and Cocoa Exchange (CSCE). This exchange has developed into the important “Commodity Coffee Market” classification system of the International Commodity Exchange. This coffee claims to be “in good condition, without rancid, stale flavors”. Those who perform the “cup test” are called “cuppers” and the coffee tasting test is henceforth known as coffee cupping.

Trải qua quá trình nghiên cứu và thực thi, cupping đã trở thành một phần không thể thiếu của việc buôn bán cà phê 

Coffee cupping plays an important role in coffee business


The popularity of cupping in the Specialty coffee market


After more than a century, coffee cupping has been a method of systematically assessing the odor and taste characteristics of a sample of coffee beans – or simply “taste” the coffee. This method includes the prescribed dilution and a complete series of sensory evaluation instructions using the assessor’s olfactory, taste, and oral sensations. Because coffee cupping is often associated with an economic purpose, such as purchasing decisions, bidding prices, choosing large-scale production processes, etc., Practitioners need to strictly adhere to standards.

Coffee cupping can be viewed as a technique designed for the unique needs of the green or unroasted coffee trade. A quick and convenient way to enjoy coffee, recognize its sensory and physical attributes, and use that information to drive purchasing decisions. Through the media, cupping knowledge has accumulated over time, some of which have been standardized and highly symbolic – as a display of quality rather than in response to actual evaluation needs. Even so, the core foundation of the cupping process, in any case, is constant. It’s about making a simple, fast and accurate assessment of a green coffee.

Cupping để hiểu sâu sắc vẻ đẹp của vị cà

Coffee Cupping 


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