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Gesha Coffee Farming Characteristics



For those passionate about the world of Specialty coffee, Gesha is no longer a strange thing whenever it is mentioned. This is a coffee variety that is considered to be perfect in terms of the flavor profile it brings.

However, despite its popularity, the characteristics of Gesha cultivation have always remained a mystery that attracts the curiosity and research of many people. In this article, we will explore together the characteristics of Gesha and the cultivation process that creates the finished product of this variety.


Basic Features of Gesha


Gesha is a coffee plant of high stature. The tips of the leaves are green or bronze in color, and the pea size is medium.

Optimal altitude:

– 5° North latitude – 5° South latitude: >1600m

– 5 – 15° North Latitude & 5 – 15° South Latitude: >1300m

– > 15° North latitude & > 15° South latitude: >1000m


Gesha is a complex plant to grow


This coffee variety was initially found and harvested in the coffee forests of Ethiopia in the 1930s. The variety was listed as accession T2722 at the Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigación y Ensenanza (CATIE) in Central America in 1953. After being recognized as resistant to coffee leaf rust, Gesha was distributed throughout Panama through CATIE in the 1960s.

However, because of the brittle nature of the branches, it is not easy to take care of Gesha, so Gesha is not popular and widely planted by many farmers. The reason is that the yield of this variety is not high, and the profit is only moderate.

Specialty Coffee in Vietnam

Gesha’s leaf system is fragile compared to other coffee varieties. On top of that, poor roots lead to poor water and energy absorption. If a Gesha factory were to produce one batch, Catuai’s productivity would have to be twice that of it.

Wanting Gesha to have sound output depends on the height of the planting. This type of coffee needs to be grown at very high altitudes. Gesha will grow best at an altitude of 1700-1950m above sea level.

Gesha requires ample planting space to grow and thrive. The average density per hectare can only grow about 1200 trees, while other varieties can grow up to 8000 trees/ha.


The process of harvesting and preliminary processing of Gesha


Like other speciality coffee varieties, Gesha is hand-harvested by local people in the area. The ripe coffee berries will be picked for subsequent processing.

In Panama, Gesha is prepared according to 3 basic methods Natural, Washed and Honey.

Natural: coffee after washing will be brought to the drying floor. In this process, the coffee must be stirred continuously to avoid the mouldy condition that occurs when the coffee cherries are not evenly dried. The whole process takes about nine days under ideal conditions.

Honey: Coffee is peeled, but the mucilage is not removed immediately, but becomes a sugar coating and dried coffee beans.

Washed: the most common process in coffee production; the beans will be dried after removing the skin and washing off the mucilage. The result of this coffee cup will be bright, acidity, delicate and transparent flavor. Along with that is the homogeneity of coffee batches in many processing times.

Specialty Coffee in Vietnam

If you finish reading this article, you will not be too surprised why Gesha coffee is so expensive. Really, at the expense of the production risks, Gesha coffee makers need to get a fair return. 43 Factory Coffee Roaster believes that Gesha is a premium coffee in the world with its uniqueness and perfection in taste.

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