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Economic sustainability in the coffee industry and what you may not know


Sustainability is always a hot topic on the discussion table of experts. Especially, in the context of the current challenges of climate change, natural resources and socio-economic fluctuations, achieving economic sustainability is the most important goal of all sectors. including coffee. Join 43 Factory Coffee Roaster to explore economic sustainability in the coffee industry!


Economic Sustainability in the coffee industry


What is economic sustainability?


Economic sustainability is understood as the ability to meet or improve the quality of life of the current people, and develop the economy stably in the long term but still ensure the balance of ecosystems and natural resources. while not harming the environment or the future of future generations. To achieve economic sustainability, there needs to be a balance between three factors: economic, social and environmental. This is an important and difficult goal that requires the cooperation of individuals, organizations and countries around the world.


Manifestations of economic sustainability in the coffee industry


For the coffee industry, economic sustainability is said to be based on the premise of farmers’ livelihoods. Many leading industry experts believe that to ensure economic sustainability for the entire industry, it is important to respect and protect the interests of those who make products. Because the core values that meet the needs, promote commercial operations or other larger values of the chain are all created by calloused, dusty hands. The integrity of the ecology of the coffee growing area, the long-term development of the economy and natural resources also depend to a large extent on the impact of growers.

We have always known an indisputable fact that matter determines consciousness. Income or profit not only helps farmers maintain an adequate standard of living, but also enables them to invest in farm operations, concerned with improving quality, and minimizing the impact on the environment. Therefore, it is essential to create a fair and transparent business environment, where farmers can sell their products at a fair price and get technical and financial support. sustaining farmers’ livelihoods and economic sustainability in the coffee industry.

Economic sustainability in the coffee industry


The Contradictions of economic sustainability


One of the strategies to maintain a sustainable coffee economy is to support farmers to improve production. According to the traditional view, farmers will have a higher income if they produce more or better quality. But this is only true when the coffee market stabilizes – which rarely happens. If increasing coffee yield is the only solution to make a profit, farmers will focus on monoculture methods, using pesticides and growth fertilizers to follow output. This not only unbalances the ecosystem and the ability to maintain the land in the future, but also endangers the health and safety of consumers. In addition, if farmers only strive to improve quality, the profits may not be enough to cover costs, causing losses to farmers. Therefore, it is not feasible to focus only on quantity and quality as they can affect farmers’ livelihoods and social environment.

Some experts argue that short-term profits should be traded for environmental sustainability. Farmers are encouraged to grow coffee intercropping, combining forests to reduce carbon emissions, regulate climate, protect biodiversity, improve soil quality, save water and chemicals, and prevent disease and pests. However, growing coffee under trees can also reduce yields. Due to the smaller number of trees, the coffee production per hectare is also lower. This can affect the income of farmers.

Economic sustainability in the coffee industry


How to ensure economic sustainability in the coffee industry


To ensure economic sustainability, there must be a balance between economic value for farmers; coffee quality for customers; conservation of resources and ecosystems. The proposed solution needs to be integrated into all stages from production to supply roasting. The first is to focus on promoting propaganda and promotion of agroforestry and organic farming methods for farmers. Encourage farmers and businesses to use forms of direct trade, fair trade. Investing in education and training systems for children and farmers about the meaning and ways of protecting sustainability in coffee,…But this is not easy, because there are many challenges and production and consumption risks such as climate change, international competition, shortage of human resources, lack of investment in research and development as well as support and management policies. To overcome these challenges, the collaboration between stakeholders, such as farmers, businesses, governments, NGOs and international organizations is required.

Economic sustainability in the coffee industry

As consumers, we can support sustainable coffees to help maintain economic sustainability in the coffee industry. If you want to experience it, visit XLIII Coffee – a brand developed from the forerunner 43 Factory Coffee Roaster specializing in providing high-quality specialty coffees from sustainable growing regions, ensuring livelihoods for farmers around the world. anywhere in the world!

Source: dailycoffeenews

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