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Roasting is the most authentic and emotional recording process at the root of the coffee bean. Because the unique characteristics and regional beauty will be reflected through the way the roaster adjusts the heat and selects the technique and appropriate profile.

Light roast retains the characteristics and develops the beauty of the region
Medium roast or Dark roast shows the technical level of the Roaster.

For 43 Factory Coffee Roaster, the original beauty of the coffee bean is the first priority. Instead of the sophisticated but harsh method with the beans, the factory workers chose the Light roasting method to fully depict and describe the characteristics of the beans. Because the beans were delicious from nature. A roaster with a delicacy and care will keep the whole roots, not fussy and unchanged.

During the roasting process, factory workers meticulously keep the beauty of the coffee beans in mind. Let the moment taste when it is finished, the heart goes silent for a moment, waiting for the original coffee taste.

Cà phê Specialty

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