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Climate change is increasing, the coffee industry is investing in research to respond


Climate change has caused global average temperatures to increase, ice to melt rapidly at both ends of the earth, and changes in rainfall and natural disasters around the world. These changes cause negative impacts, seriously affecting coffee production and supply activities. Therefore, the coffee industry is stepping up investment in researching measures to respond to climate change. Find out now with 43 Factory Coffee Roaster!


Climate change seriously affects the coffee industry


Over the past few decades, creating a crisis that threatens the sustainable development of the coffee industry. As published in the journal PLOS Climate in 2023, rising temperatures due to global warming are likely to lead to “ongoing systemic shocks” to coffee production. The scientific committee of the Association for Science and Information on Coffee (ASIC) also said that coffee production could face major risks due to climate change. Such as:

Frost damage: With more unpredictable weather patterns, coffee plants can die within hours when exposed to temperatures lower than 0°C (32°F).

Heavy rainfall: Storms during the flowering period can damage flowers and reduce pollination, leading to lower yields.

Long dry season: Prolonged hot weather leads to premature development of coffee cherries, reduced seed size and density, and lower-quality coffee cups due to lack of water

It is evident that global output and supply are gradually declining due to natural disasters and reduction in land area. Coffee prices continue to rise, consumers are paying more and more for a cup of coffee. This not only exacerbates coffee price fluctuations but also puts more pressure on producers.

Additionally, studies have found that many coffee producers are facing pressure from the effects of the climate crisis. Experts estimate that Brazil could lose up to 75% of its coffee-producing areas due to rising temperatures and changing rainfall patterns. From an analytical socio-economic perspective, this situation can limit the financial resources of coffee manufacturers. Many coffee farmers are currently living below the poverty line and are even poorer because of declining output and quality. The coffee industry can quickly fall into crisis and imbalance between supply and demand.

biện pháp ứng phó biến đổi khí hậu

Coffee production may be at risk when implementing climate change


The coffee industry invests in research into measures to adapt and mitigate climate change


Given the unpredictable impacts of climate change, the coffee industry is investing in measures to adapt and mitigate its effects. According to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change, climate adaptation refers to changes in processes, practices, and structures aimed at reducing potential damages or benefiting from associated opportunities. to climate change. An increasingly popular adaptation strategy is to encourage and support farmers to move their growing areas to cooler growing areas. Climate mitigation is strategic measures aimed at preventing the effects of climate change from increasing, including avoiding and reducing carbon emissions. Enforcement measures related to climate mitigation efforts aim to reduce or prevent deforestation.

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The coffee industry is making efforts to invest in measures to quickly adapt and minimize impacts

Planting shade trees on coffee farms is one of the ways to combine mitigation and adaptation that is actively promoted by government agencies. Because shade systems can absorb carbon and increase biodiversity to create more optimal growing conditions for coffee plants. In addition, experts also research and propose changes in farm management methods so that producers can adapt to some extent to climate change. For example, agroforestry, irrigation, and use of organic fertilizers. These models can be co-developed locally at a relatively low cost to help farmers adapt to climate change and thus better withstand unpredictable weather patterns.

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Experts are working to research and propose changes in farm management methods so that producers can adapt to climate change

As the impacts of climate change appear to be spiraling out of control, the coffee industry has pushed harder for response strategies including investigating the climate resilience of coffee varieties and species. , and at the same time propagate resistant coffee genotypes. Furthermore, agencies in some regions are active in capacity building, and farmers need to have access to information and training to apply sustainable agricultural practices. However, implementing activities such as carbon sequestration and biodiversity conservation must be done in partnership with local communities, farmers, and consumers. Therefore, choosing sustainably grown coffee products is also an important contribution to the entire industry and future life. Visit XLIII Coffee stores to support farms working towards sustainability and enjoy the taste of high-quality specialty coffees.

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Source collected from perfectdailygrind

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