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Cerro Azul #00045 – Inspiration towards natural beauty


Cerro Azul #00045 is a batch of wet-processed Gesha coffee in the September 2023 harvest season of the estate of the same name belonging to Café Granja La Esperanza. Each coffee bean distills the pure beauty from its source, developing the fresh, familiar tones of the place of growth. What creates the delicious notes of this batch of Colombian coffee? Explore with 43 Factory Coffee Roaster!


Cerro Azul #00045 carries all the precious beauty of its mother Gesha


Cerro Azul #00045 coffee originates from the rare Gesha coffee variety, belonging to the Arabica genus from the cradle of coffee – Ethiopia. The plant sprout used to incubate Cerro Azul #00045 is one of the premium products – Gesha Panama. When grown at the estate of Café Granja La Esperanza, the tree is developed with the aim of fully exploiting the superior characteristics of the variety. Through more than 10 years of research and development of production techniques by the farm team, Gesha shipments not only increasingly highlight the hidden uniqueness of the mother variety but also add a layer of Colombia’s very own rich flavor. The elongated, densely textured coffee beans contain an almost perfect bean profile with a score of 93 SCA.

Cerro Azul #00045


The growing area cherishes the essence of each seed Cerro Azul #00045


Cerro Azul growing area #00045 is located on a hill in the Valle del Cauca valley, Colombia. The area reaches an altitude of more than 1,700 meters above sea level, with high wind speed and humidity of 85-90%, suitable for growing high-end coffee varieties. This place also has a unique geographical location so that the farm can receive warm winds from the Cauca valley and cold winds from the Pacific Ocean, creating ideal microclimate conditions for coffee plants to tolerate the complex rich aroma.

Cerro Azul #00045

Additionally, coffee is grown in an agro-ecological environment, using advanced scientifically sustainable practices. Workers improve soil with biological fertilizers. Increase pollination rates for natural coffee by raising bees and native plants. Each sprout is grown with meticulous care, closely following the quality in each changing period to gather the unique, innovative flavors of the region.

Cerro Azul #00045


The taste of Cerro Azul #00045 is fresh and clear


Thanks to cherishing its roots, Cerro Azul #00045 blossoms into familiar, simple but extremely unique rhymes. The acid in coffee has high purity, combined with layers of crisp, vibrant malic. The sweetness blends with the original taste of fresh kiwi fruit when just ripe. The perfect balance with a super smooth feel like a smoothie makes the overall experience clearly enhanced through each heat frame.

Cerro Azul #00045

If enjoyed while a cup of coffee is still hot, Cerro Azul #00045 evokes a very elegant, pleasant scent like jasmine and lemongrass. The feeling of tasting is sweet and plump like a golden kiwi fruit. As the heat level gradually decreases, the coffee layer becomes softer and fresher with a crisp sweetness like melon. When it’s time to add a few ice cubes, the heat spreads throughout the cup, awakening the feeling of the purity of wild apricots in the Valle del Cauca valley.

Cerro Azul #00045

Cerro Azul #00045 is an indispensable part when telling the journey of pursuing aesthetics in all aspects of Café Granja La Esperanza. This coffee excellently demonstrates the achievements and dedication of the team and the strong potential of the Geisha breed in Colombia. If you are interested in the original specialty coffee flavors from this land, visit XLIII – The brand developed from 43 Factory Coffee Roaster.

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