Muburi Coffee Factory
Coffee Factory
First time cooperation: 2024
Cooperation model: Indirect trade
Muburi Coffee Factory, established in 1964, is a vital part of the Rwama Coffee Farmers Society in Kirinyaga, Kenya. Serving four surrounding villages, the factory unites 1,200 farmers across a 7-acre plot.
At 1600m altitude, Muburi specializes in two coffee varieties SL-28 and Ruiru 11. The traditional Kenyan washed processing method is meticulously applied, including soaking, washing, 7-15 days on raised beds, and 3-7 weeks of conditioning.
Muburi AB #0425 coffee lot is renowned for its complex flavor profile of cranberry, blackcurrant, and kiwi. With an export price of $11.55 USD/kg, Muburi not only affirms its quality but also contributes to improving the local farming community’s livelihood.
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