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Los Pinos




by Joaquina Montoya


Joaquina Montoya is a hardworking farmer living in Intibuca. Her farm – Los Pinos grows mainly Catuai and Ihcafe 90 varieties with a total area of ​​12ha, at an altitude of 1650m above sea level. With the help of her sons, Joaquina still devotes herself day and night in the process of cultivating and developing coffee trees here.

Joaquina is an inspiring woman; despite physical limitations caused by a disease, she keeps her mind and ambitions unshakeable to do more good things for the farm. She is also a wonderful mother when raising and teaching them to appreciate the value of hard work and sustainable coffee farming.

Joaquina lives on a coffee farm with her son and employees. Here, she manages the entire operation of the farm, from harvesting to processing and drying to ensure the highest level of coffee quality.



Joaquina hires around 20 pickers during the harvest. The coffee is processed at her son’s farm and micro mill. The cherries are pulped in an eco mill, and fermented in tanks for 18 – 22 hours, depending on the weather conditions and temperature



Drying is Joaquina’s absolute control. She has direct access to a solar dryer and spends long hours preparing the coffee with care, taking care that the moisture content of the beans is reduced to an optimal level of 10-11%.

Coffee is dried in a solar dryer for between 20 and 25 days.



Coffee from Honduras will taste great when grown in the right place and well processed. Coffees from this region often have more complexity, depth and richness than other Central American coffees. Many specialty coffee buyers in Honduras focus on sourcing in and around the Santa Barbara area (state). Intibuca stands out above all for its delicious coffee and enormous potential to increase production if new markets can be found.
