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La Colmena




by Jorge Diaz Campos (Organic)


Jorge Diaz Campos is a farmer and a member of the Norcafe Cooperative in Cajamarca, a group we met a year ago, and started to work with in 2020. Jorge is part of the micro-lot program of the cooperative, and as for last year, when we got that coffee on the cupping table it was no doubt he made it.

His farm, La Colmena, has three hectares planted with coffee and sits above 1900 masl in Lonya Grande in Amazonas, mainly growing Caturra and Bourbon. This was a 40 bag lot, and the annual production at the farm is about 70 bags.




The coffee cherries are picked and fermented in bags for about 24 hours, then depulped, and again the parchment is fermented for 24-36 hours in bags, then dried on raised beds under cover. Drying takes up to a month.


About Norcafé


Through the cooperative program the producers also receive a significant quality premium for the coffee delivered when the quality is up to standard.

The Norcafe Cooperative has a lot of young farmer members. Even the staff of the cooperative is really young, something we see as a very positive sign for the industry.

– Mission: Provide marketing services to families of small producers, involving young people committed to generating value within the supply chain.

– Vision: To be an organization with values, providing opportunities for social, economic and environmental development in coffee communities.
